Organic Cabbage Study From Rutgers University – 23% Head Increase and 14% Brix Increase

Here are the results from a study done at Rutgers University by Professor Joseph R. Heckman, on growing cabbage. At Hort – 3 Veg Research Farm, the SumaGrow heads were 23% larger. The average of the brix content overall favored the SumaGrow heads by an average of 14%.

Mississippi Raised Bed Gardener Raves About SumaGrow

Arthur Herrin, resident of Petal, Mississippi, heard about Bio Soil from a news story which aired on WDAM (a local NBC affiliate).  When he planted his garden, he decided to treat it with only [SumaGrow]. This is what he had to say:

“After seeing a news article on TV about your product, I decided to give it a try. I have a raised bed vegetable garden in the back yard of my home. I’ve gardened this way for the last several years. It has always been a successful way to garden, but I have never had such dramatic results as I have seen since using [SumaGrow] only one time!

The plants are greener, healthier, and stronger than they have ever been. They are larger, and each plant is loaded with fruit.

I was very skeptical about the product in the beginning, but I believe it will be a very beneficial tool in gardening vegetables and flowers. All my plants have grown so green and so sturdy that I cannot wait to see the harvest. [SumaGrow] has made a believer out of me.

I have not used any commercial fertilizer at all and still have these great results using your completely organic product.”

Herrin and Wayne with cabbage

Arthur Herrin, with one of the huge cabbages he grew, and Wayne Wade, company President.