Mangoes in Ecuador Achieve Stellar Yield Increase of 42.7% to 51.5%

From the analysis carried out and the results obtained, it can be concluded that:  The best production result was seen in the T2 [SumaGrow plus a 50% reduction in fertilizer], which shows a double saving.  First, by increasing production by 51.5% and second by decreasing the use of chemical fertilizer by 50% • T3 (100% Genesis with SumaGrow) versus T1 (100% Chemical) shows an increase in production of 42.7% clearly showing the benefit of applying only (Genesis with SumaGrow) against traditional chemical fertilization.

T3 (100% Genesis with SumaGrow, no fertilizer) versus T1 (100% Chemical) shows an increase in production of 42.7% clearly showing the benefit of applying only (Genesis with SumaGrow) against traditional chemical fertilization.

Picture from Mango report

There was an amazing increase in the soil health as measured by the Organic Material:

Materia Orgánica del suelo %
1,5 2,7

Here is the original report in Spanish (with pictures and graphs):

Ecuador — ITF RICABERTO (Mango)

A Google Translate version is available here without the pictures and graphs:

Ecuador — ITF RICABERTO (Mango) – English