Greece – Alfalfa, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants

The plants were in poor condition before the development period began, as seen to the right.Greece – Alfalfa, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants pic 1.png


Throughout the study conducted by Ergoefarmogi, the plants went from lifeless to thriving (seen below), and this was achieved without the use of fertilizer.


Over 60 days, faster and greater development and also intense flowering were observed. There was an increase in size and quality of the crops and an increased productivity from 30 to 80% per crop. An absence of fungus and other microorganism as well as various insects was observed. The plants were completely healthy throughout the duration of the development period. They were more alive, had vivid colors, and had visible difference in the size compared to those plants that had used conventional fertilizer. Their growth was also faster with better quality regarding their look and their taste. After the pruning during the productive seasons, they obtained branches and flowers and the production increases dramatically, and the fruit quality was evident in the excellent taste.

Greece – Alfalfa, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants pic 3

With the alfalfa crop, at least 40-60% faster and greater growth was observed. Also greater productivity was shown by the intense dark green color, deeper roots system, denser and larger size of the plant.