Agrigain with SumaGrow: Making Your Soil Work For You

 By Maura Keller

Mike Arnold, owner of Arnold Land and Cattle, is onto something. Spending the majority of his life in the cattle industry, Arnold understands what it takes to produce exceptional dairy and beef cattle. That’s why, three years ago, Arnold founded Agrigain, a company that offers the power of SumaGrow for today’s dairy farmer and cattleman, resulting in exceptional feed for their herds, as well as profitable, sustainable farming practices.

“I’ve been in the cattle business all my life,” Arnold says, “Before I got involved with Agrigain with SumaGrow inside, I watched the product being used for five years. I watched the tests and the trials because I needed to know that it really worked before venturing into starting a company that offers SumaGrow product. Our product can be used for both organic and conventional farm practices. We are reducing fertilizer by up to 50 percent and increasing yield from five to 20 percent.
If there is one thing Arnold knows a thing or two about, its cattle. In the past 20 years he’s backgrounded more than 50,000 cattle and successfully served as a Superior Livestock Representative for 25 years. When he came upon SumaGrow, a liquid concentrate microbial agricultural product designed by Bio Soil Enhancers, Inc. (BSEI), to promote soil and plant health, he decided to market the product to help other cattleman and farmers to meet their yield goals and improve their bottom lines.

Proven Results
And that’s where Agrigain comes in. Products containing SumaGrow, like Agrigain, have been shown to result in higher yields, as well as increased nutrient density in forages.
Agricultural consultant Chuck Grantham explains the beneficial microorganisms contained in Agrigain products are a key part of the product functionality as they stretch the overall plant health and soil health. By producing a healthier plant, the animals are able to take in more of the nutrients from the soil, which results in a higher quality product that the dairy cattle consume.
“In dairy, that means growing a feed that has a higher crude protein, higher total digestible nutrients, and a higher relative feed value. The higher the quality of the forage, the more milk production that these dairy farmers can expect,” Grantham says.
It also means that dairy farmers who use Agrigain products have reported higher stocking rates, higher average daily gains and healthier dairy cows with shiny hair coats. Mineral requirements for dairy herds may decrease as the livestock ingest more natural minerals in the plant from grazing healthier, more nutrient-dense forages.
According to Pam Barr, owner of Barr Farms, a diversified dairy farm in Mendenhall, MS, the cows can tell. “They will walk past a bale of untreated hay to eat the SumaGrown hay. It’s sweeter,” Barr says.
The Agrigain team works with each dairy farmer to determine the proper application protocols of products containing SumaGrow that are specific to the needs of each farm. When used in conjunction with current growing practices, growers can see a decrease in fertilizer inputs of up to 50 percent. The objective is to reach the producer’s production goals while reducing fertilizer inputs.

Agrigain products help improve fertilizer efficiency thus reducing the amount of applied nutrients required. The microorganisms contained in SumaGrow were specifically selected for their abilities to improve nutrient mobilization, unlock soil bound nutrients, and sequester nitrogen.  Different concentrations and application rates may apply based on various factors such as soil condition and crop type.
“Agrigain products will help anything with a root system and can be used on all sizes of crop production,” Arnold says.
Arnold recommends performing soil tests when using Agrigain products because a soil analysis will show the fertility and mineral density of the soil and indicate what Agrigain products will best benefit a farm’s operation to meet production goals and animal health and well-being.

So what does this mean for animal performance?
In a study of beef steers’ summer grazing performance, the research indicated that the animals that grazed on SumaGrow treated sorghum plots had a cost advantage of +$101.45 over the conventionally fertilized plots. SumaGrow grazed cattle gained an average of .27 lbs per day more than the cattle grazing the untreated plots, and the SumaGrow treated pasture could handle two animals more per unit than the conventionally fertilized fields.
Conducted by Murray State University in Western Kentucky, the primary focus of this study was to determine the effectiveness of different methods of alternative pasture inoculations compared to traditional nitrogen fertilization. Thirty-two cross-bred steers were divided into four equal groups that weighed an average of 628 pounds at the beginning of the grazing period. BMR sorghum was planted no-till at a seeding rate of 19 pounds per acre. The four groups of steers were moved to fresh grazing paddocks when approximately 50 percent of the available forage dry matter in each paddock had been consumed.
The SumaGrow treated plots of BMR sorghum, showed a higher Average Daily Gain (ADG), a higher Animal Unit Month (AUM), and a significant cost advantage when compared to the nitrogen fertilization, raw milk, and a control (no treatment).
The ADG for the steers grazing the SumaGrow treated forage showed an additional gain per steer of 40.5 pounds for a 150-day warm season grazing period when compared to either the fertilizer only or the control group.
In calculating AUM, which for this trial was defined as the number of beef steer that one acre of forage could support for every 30 day period, once again the SumaGrow treated forages were significantly greater than the fertilizer only or control treatments.
Per acre cost analysis for the treatment and application costs indicated an advantage of $101.45 per acre for the SumaGrow treatment compared to the control. The SumaGrow had the best overall performance with higher ADGs, increased AUMs, and better return on investment.

Improving Soil Water Efficiency
“Everything above ground is dependent on what’s going on below ground. So the fertility of the soil is paramount,” says Chuck Grantham, agricultural consultant at SumaGrow. “When you have an increase in soil fertility, you have an increase in the water holding capacity of the soil. So instead of running off or standing, the water is held within the soil leading to increased water holding capacity therefore retaining vital nutrients that are available for the plants. This is key when evaluating the water stress that is occurring across the agriculture industry today and what is predicted for the future.”
Every state in the US is predicted to experience water stressors within the next ten years and uncertainties well beyond that. As thousands of acres are left fallow as drought conditions prevail in some parts of the country, wet and muddy farmland has frustrated other producers and delayed planting and harvesting. Both conditions will adversely affect producers’ crop production and earning potential.
“It has made a significant difference with drought tolerance,” says Barr, who has been using SumaGrow products for three years. “We planted our rye grass around October and had such a dry season that my neighbor’s fields didn’t germinate. They are literally across the street from our fields. Our neighbors told me that we were the only ones around that grew any grass.”
As Arnold further explains, it is because the biologicals in Agrigain increase the soil’s fertility and nutrient efficiency that plants and forages produce longer, denser root systems that capture untapped water and nutrient resources. This produces the healthy, resilient and higher-nutrient crops and forages.
“This winter we had some ice and our grass recovered much quicker than the neighbors. It’s also convenient because we can mix it with our herbicide applications so we have to make only one pass over the fields,” said Barr.

The Future is Here
There have been unprecedented shifts in agricultural production in recent years. From polarizing policies to the growing concern over the environmental impact of conventional agricultural production, the agricultural industry has seen a dramatic increase in the emphasis on using products and procedures that will positively impact the environment.
Agricultural industries and publications all now increasingly publish informative material that stress a healthy community of microorganisms are essential to improving soil health and reducing the environmental and economic impact of agriculture while meeting our global nutrition demands.
While many in agribusiness may be newly aware of the benefits of agricultural biologicals, BSEI has been recognized for being in the forefront of this biological movement for almost a decade, nationally and internationally. Consider way back in 2011 when SumaGrow was highlighted in “Bison World.”
“A new organic soil microbial introduced by Bio Soil Enhancers, Inc. shows significant promise for increased forage and crop yields, improved brix levels and significant or elimination of chemical and forms of fertilizer.” (Bison World, 2011)
“Bottom line,” says Arnold, “We are reducing nitrate runoff because we are putting something back in the soil. We know which microbes work best in the soil, and which ones do not. That’s why we are so far ahead of anybody in the industry.”
For more than a decade, SumaGrow biologicals have been in production, following more than 20 years of research and development by BSEI. Ongoing research that includes numerous field trials from universities, third parties, and specialized testing facilities, demonstrates the benefits of using agricultural microbials for higher yields, lower input costs, and improved water-holding capacity of the soil.
Specifically, using Agrigain, SumaGrow inside products help repopulate the soil with beneficial microorganisms that work in the root zone of the plant to help retain water and nutrients for the plant’s use. This supports higher yielding and hardier crops.
“At the end of the day what we really want to do it is leave it better than we found it,” Arnold says. “At Agrigain we realize it is about maintaining a healthy balance, and if we don’t do something soon—because we have fertilized with mostly harsh alkaline commercial fertilizer for so long—we aren’t going to get as good of results as we want, both now and in the future.”

Internet Source: Agrigain Article

Conservationists Find Sumagrow Improves Soil in Missouri

A study managed by the Missouri Department of Conservation
(MDC) was conducted with SumaGrow® on the Ionia Ridge
Conservation Area in Missouri. This 233 acre area lies within
the Hi Lonesome Focus Area for recovery of the greater prairie
chicken and native habitat for other grassland species. The
study on this area focused on interests in pursuing the potential
for soil microbial products to improve success of native tallgrass
seedling establishment and also to evaluate the effect on stand
persistence. This area was an active row crop and cattle grazing
farm prior to the acquisition by the Missouri Conservation
Department in 2008.

The main parameters of this study focused on the differences in
the physical and biological properties of the soil between control
and SumaGrow® treatment groups within the Conservation
Area: When comparing soil treated with a product containing
SumaGrow® with untreated plots, the treated soil experienced
a 15+ percent increase in soil moisture potential. How does this
benefit the grower struggling with drought or frustrated by
soggy soil? The benefit for both is that healthy soil holds water.


MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION FIELD TRIAL pics 2Rain and moisture are captured by the soil instead of remaining
on the surface to volatize off or run-off into streams and
waterways, most likely taking valuable top soil and nutrients
with it. For the grower who is struggling with muddy, over wet
soil, fertile ground dries out quicker as the water penetrates the
soil instead of remaining on the surface, slowing down planting
or damaging grasses and turf.

Additionally, the study found a 26 percent reduction in soil
compaction in the SumaGrow® treated soil. Reduced soil
compaction means that the soil is softer and more aerated, so plant roots can grow more easily and reach deeper to tap the
water and nutrients held within the subsoil.

In addition, this study found that SumaGrow® treated soil
contained a higher functional group diversity index in relation
to the microbial populations within the treatment areas.
This can be taken to mean that the SumaGrow® treated areas
had a more balanced microbial population, leading to more
productive soil in the end.

The mean functional group diversity indices for the treatment
groups were significantly higher for the SumaGrow® treated
groups. The 1 gallon per acre rate versus the control had the
highest mean functional group diversity (mean = 1.61, p = 0.0099*),
the 1/2 gallon per acre rate versus the control had the second
highest mean functional group diversity (mean = 1.56, p = 0.034*),
and there was no significant interaction between the SumaGrow®
treatment groups in relation to mean functional group diversity
(mean = 1.37, p = 0.47).


The mean fungal bacterial ratios for the treatment groups were
significantly higher for the SumaGrow® treated groups. The 1
gallon per acre rate versus the control had the highest mean
fungal bacterial ratio (mean = 0.27, p = 0.0029*), the 1/2 gallon
per acre rate versus the control had the second highest mean
fungal bacterial ratio (mean = 0.26, p = 0.0054*), and there was no significant interaction between the SumaGrow® treated groups
in relation to mean fungal bacterial ratios (mean = 0.15, p = 0.33).



In relation to soil compaction, measured in pounds per square
inch, the SumaGrow® treatment at 1 gallon (mean = 7.67 psi) and
½ a gallon (mean = 8.08 psi) per acre were significantly lower
than the control (p = < 0.0001) which had the highest pressure
readings (mean = 11 psi).

In relation to soil moisture, obtained from a moisture probe, the
SumaGrow® treatment at 1 gallon (mean = 61.67, p = 0.056) and
½ a gallon (mean = 62.5, p = 0.035) per acre were significantly
higher than the control which had the lowest moisture readings
(mean = 54.2).


Mangoes in Ecuador Achieve Stellar Yield Increase of 42.7% to 51.5%

From the analysis carried out and the results obtained, it can be concluded that:  The best production result was seen in the T2 [SumaGrow plus a 50% reduction in fertilizer], which shows a double saving.  First, by increasing production by 51.5% and second by decreasing the use of chemical fertilizer by 50% • T3 (100% Genesis with SumaGrow) versus T1 (100% Chemical) shows an increase in production of 42.7% clearly showing the benefit of applying only (Genesis with SumaGrow) against traditional chemical fertilization.

T3 (100% Genesis with SumaGrow, no fertilizer) versus T1 (100% Chemical) shows an increase in production of 42.7% clearly showing the benefit of applying only (Genesis with SumaGrow) against traditional chemical fertilization.

Picture from Mango report

There was an amazing increase in the soil health as measured by the Organic Material:

Materia Orgánica del suelo %
1,5 2,7

Here is the original report in Spanish (with pictures and graphs):

Ecuador — ITF RICABERTO (Mango)

A Google Translate version is available here without the pictures and graphs:

Ecuador — ITF RICABERTO (Mango) – English

Soil Health Shows Significant Improvement; A Sports Field Study in Costa Mesa, California

There are numerous benefits to using AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow.  While most of our success stories focus on increasing yield and reducing or eliminating fertilizer, the before and after soil analyses (see link below) demonstrated significant improvements in the soil’s water efficiency and the nutrients measured in the soil increased from 8% to 91%.
 Costa Mesa BeforeCosta Mesa After

The soil samples are from the Jack R. Hammett Sports Complex, owned by the city of  Costa Mesa, California and were treated with AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow.  Since the sports fields use recycled water, it makes high pH and chlorides a constant concern.  Despite these added issues, in less than three months, the pH in the treated fields went down slightly and the chloride and salinity levels dropped 26% and 34%, while the soil moisture (field capacity) increased from 63% to 69%.

Costa Mesa Salinity Chart

Soil salinity is the salt content in the soil.  Salt affected soils are caused by excess accumulation of salts from high salinity irrigation water.  As soil salinity increases, salt effects can result in degradation of soils and vegetation.  Accumulation of soluble salts (brine, salt and chloride may be used interchangeably for our purposes) is not normally a hazard to human health; however, it can cause adverse and long lasting environmental impacts to soil and ground water resources because chloride is highly soluble, does not adsorb onto soil particles, does not degrade, and generally inhibits biological processes.

Releases of salt onto the ground can damage soils by destroying the soil structure and permeability.  The presence of high concentrations of soluble salts can inhibit see germination and a plant’s ability to uptake water. Salt-contaminated soil in the near surface can lose its ability to support agricultural crops, native grasses, or other vegetation if salt levels are high enough, potentially contributing to surface erosion.

Chloride is the most recent addition to the list of essential elements and is essential for  many plant functions; however, too much chloride in plants results in symptoms that are similar to typical cases of salt damage. As shown in the attached reports from the city of Costa Mesa, the chloride target is <150 and AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow brought the chloride from an average of 210, outside the target range, down to an average of 137, well within the target range.

Soil Moisture (or Field Capacity) is typically defined as the quantity of water or moisture contained in the soil 2–3 days after rain or irrigation.  AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow increased the ability of these fields to hold water.

Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) is a measure of the suitability of water for use in agricultural irrigation as determined by the concentrations of solids dissolved in the water.  Although SAR is only one factor in determining the suitability of water for irrigation, in general the higher the sodium adsorption ratio, the less suitable the water is for irrigation.  Irrigation using water with a high sodium adsorption ratio may require soil amendments to prevent long-term damage to the soil.  If irrigation water with a high SAR is applied to a soil for years, the sodium in the water can displace the calcium and magnesium in the soil.  This will cause a decrease in the ability of the soil to form stable aggregates and a loss of soil structure and tilth.  This will also lead to a decrease in infiltration and permeability of the soil to water leading to problems with crop production.

These laboratory reports clearly show the soil’s water efficiency being improved. There is more water in the soil as evidence by the higher soil moisture percentage, the water in the soil is more available to the plant life since the lower amount of salts in the soil allow more soil moisture to be used by the grass being grown and the SAR indicates the water in the soil is a higher quality water than before treatment started. The results were achieved without any significant rainfall.

Costa Mesa Nutrient Chart

The nutrient levels increased across the board with every element measured showing increases, some very significant.  This is especially significant when considering the short period of time between the soil tests and accepting that AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow is primarily a microbial product which takes more time than fertilizer to show initial results.

The city of Costa Mesa, did continue its fertilization program (slow release 32-0-0) during the field trial, however, this would only have affected the increase in soil available nutrients for nitrates and even then, not to the degree shown. Further, other field trials using AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow show even better results if fertilizer is reduced by at least 50% or eliminated altogether.

The microbial formulation of AgriBiotic Microbics with SumaGrow would have to be given the credit for the 48% to 91% increases in manganese, zinc, copper, boron and magnesium, all essential nutrients for optimal growth.

Download a three page summary:  Brix Agribiotics Summary

Independent Soil Analysis: